Times to Fish

Many people think that you can just go out to a farm pond, a Lake, a River, or a stream and fish whenever you want. Though you can do whatever you want that fits your schedule. Like if you have kids, it might be better if you go out during the day and take out a few snacks encase the fish ant biting. Though I have discovered that if you want to fish in a pond the best time to go is early in the morning and closer to the night. And when you're fishing for catfish you don't want to be fishing in the middle of the day, the best fishing it's usually when it is dark outside. Though how early is fishing in the morning, you might ask. When I talk about fishing in the morning, I mean it is best to get out there when it is still dark outside. And I fish for about 2 hours maybe even 3 hours. Then you pack your stuff and you go back to the house. And then when the evening comes. Let's say it gets dark at 7 then usually I'll get out there around 4:30, 5:00 o'clock. When it comes to a lake, some lakes are small enough that you can consider it like fishing in a pond. Though a Lake around my area called Salt Fork is a massive lake. It's got about the same criteria as a pond because I think the best time to fish is in the morning and at night. Though you can fish in the middle of the day at salt fork because it's so big that the water temperature usually stays around the same temperature and you can fish around the banks on a boat and catch grass carp, grass sucker carp, catfish, and exedra. I have fished there many times and I go out around 2:00 o'clock because I take my big John boat and it takes me about 30 minutes to unload the boat off the trailer and get everything ready on the boat. Then I head out. When it gets around 6:00 o'clock I know a few places on Salt Fork. That when it starts getting darker and the cooler air starts rolling in the fish usually migrate to the warmer water. And you know it's good fishing when you're about 10 feet in all directions from another boat. Fishing in rivers and streams I like fishing during the day.


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